Project Description

Free Covid Vaccination

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Free Covid Vaccination


  • FB Lead Generation Ads
  • SEO


Free Covid Vaccination is a platform dedicated to providing information about Covid-19 vaccines, vaccination centers, and eligibility criteria to help people get vaccinated. Essense Internet Marketing Agency was tasked with increasing the platform's visibility and reach to increase vaccine uptake.

The Results


 Website Traffic


 Social Media Engagement


  Email Sign-Ups


Vaccine Appointment Bookings

After implementing a combination of FB Lead Generation Ads and SEO, Free Covid Vaccination saw the following results:

The Challenge

The platform faced the following challenges:

  • Low visibility and reach
  • Limited budget for marketing
  • High competition from other Covid-19 related websites

The Process

  1. Market Research
    • Analyzed the target audience and their behavior
    • Conducted a competitive analysis to identify gaps and opportunities
  2. FB Lead Generation Ads
    • Designed and launched targeted ads to reach potential vaccine seekers
    • Used A/B testing to optimize ads for maximum effectiveness
  3. SEO
    • Conducted a thorough audit of the website and fixed technical errors
    • Researched and implemented relevant keywords to increase visibility
    • Developed quality backlinks to increase authority

Priorities for the Months Ahead

  • Continue monitoring and optimizing FB Lead Generation Ads
  • Focus on building more quality backlinks to increase authority
  • Conduct regular website audits to ensure technical SEO is up-to-date
  • Develop and implement a content marketing strategy to provide value to users and increase engagement.